Saturday, July 21, 2007

Snatching The Most Paying Ads From Google

AdSense publishers are always on the mercy of Google AdSense System to serve them the best ads for their website. But actually, Google AdSense bot (Mediabot) is on your mercy and needs your help to properly recognize the theme of your webpage to serve you the most relevant and converting ads. When ads are more relevant, they talk directly to the visitors of your page, interest them, and convert them into buyers. Here, we will discuss how to snatch the most converting ads from Google AdSense System, leaving the junk behind.

Injecting Keywords in Your Content

Google's entire system depends on the keywords used in key areas of your content. It detects the theme of your web pages and displays the ads accordingly. These key areas are Title Text, Meta tags, Headings, Anchor txt, and content. Injecting keywords in these areas actually dictates Google Mediabot what your page is about. Let's get into some more details. Use Effective Keywords in Your title Text Google Mediabot gives due consideration to the keywords used in the title tag of HTML Source code, which in turn gets reflected in your ads. Even the order of words in a keyword can affect the ads that are appearing on your web page. So, choose your keywords wisely. For higher payouts, choose highest paying keyword of that category for the title text. Inject High Paying Keywords in Meta Tags If there is NO CONTENT on your web page, the Google Mediabot will consider the Meta Tags to display ads. Meta tags have a considerable impact on the ads of a page. It is advised that never leave this space empty. Try to make it as easy as possible for Mediabot to understand your web page theme. Use Keywords In Your Headings Google Mediabot gives importance to Heading text enclosed in , tags present on your web page. After Title text, here is an another chance for you to dictate keywords to Google Mediabot. For Example, if your website is dealing in music instruments then your probable keywords are musical equipments, instrumental world of music, guitar, and piano.
The heading “various musical instruments” is more relevant (but not the best) than “what we have to sell.” So, try to use more appropriate headings and sub-headings for your web content by injecting relevant keywords. Use Keywords in Anchor Texts and Hyperlinks Google stresses on Anchor texts used to link a webpage - whether the links are incoming or outgoing; whether they are a part of internal linking or external linking. Incoming links of a webpage are reckoned better than the outgoing links. In some cases, Google may just ignore anchor texts of the outgoing links. Therefore, it's important to use good keywords to link your own internal web pages, and also for getting reciprocal links to your website. Embedding Keywords in the Content Besides hosting useful and genuine content on your web pages, it’s important to include keywords at the beginning and at the end of an article. This helps search engines and Ad bots determine the theme of your web page. Good use of keywords help the Google Mediabot to achieve higher Ad-relevancy for your website.

Increasing the Concentration of High Paying Ads

Google never allows you to choose ads for your webpages. Moreover, it's not possible for you to choose ads for each page of your website. Google chooses the most or high paying ads for your pages, but you can help Google to make wiser decisions. You can actually force the Google AdSense System to give you more paying ads. Here is how.... Inject High Paying Keywords Injecting high paying keywords in your content invites high paying ads on your web page. Advertisers are ready to pay much more per click on these keywords. Advertisers bid highly on these keywords in order to bring more web traffic for their website. So, you can use such keywords to boost your EPC (Earning Per Click). You can say, on these keywords, advertisers are fighting against one another to give you higher payouts. Lengthy Articles Dilute the Relevancy of ads Don’t make lengthy web pages as it might mislead Ad-bots to get some wrong ads, resulting in dilution of relevant ads. Sometimes, Ad bots can be very sticky to a certain keyword you used just for a reference. If you are getting irrelevant ads, changing meta tags and Title text is the first thing to start with, then move on to your content. Divide Your Articles in Pages (or link each other) Dividing huge articles in pages works the best. It not only increases the relevancy of the ads, but also gets you more page views. If you don't have lengthy articles, then suggest the related articles a visitor might be interested in. More page views mean more chances of a visitor clicking on your ad. Keep the visitors hooked to your website and keep suggesting them other articles. This way you are recycling the same traffic and increasing the chances of clicks considerably. Section Targeting You can enhance Ad relevancy by using Google’s Section targeting. Through this technique you can advise Google mediabot –"the areas of your content which should be considered or ignored while matching the Ads with your content." To implement section targeting, you'll need to add a set of special HTML comment tags to your code.

To Make a Specific Area Important:

To specify your text, you have to use following tags:

”here appears the text of your content”

To make Google IGNORE an Area:

If you want to ignore your specific text, you can use following tags:

”here appears the text of your content”

For more information on the same topic, visit at: Block Junk Websites and Competitor Websites from Showing Ads There are many junk websites that might be displaying ads on your website. These websites steal the traffic from your website and recycle it on their own AdSense ad blocks. Recognize such websites and block them in AdSense Competitive Ad filter. Also, you can block your competitor websites using this competitive filter. Such junk websites not only increase the AdSense Blindness of your users, but also have a negative impact on user’s experience. To your visitors, Google Ads are like simple links and your visitor won't like if you link to junk websites. Right? This trick can sometimes double or triple your AdSense income.

For more information about this tool, visit at: Monitoring Performance for Further Optimization Monitoring the traffic and performance of your ads elucidates the reasons behind the amount you are earning. Monitoring helps you to identify why some pages are performing badly, and why some pages are performing well. This helps you to take corrective measures in order to gain more AdSense money. Here, is what you need to monitor:
Check Traffic Logs RegularlyEverything comes with a reason. If you are performing badly, try to find out the reason. If you are performing well, figure out why? Check your server traffic logs regularly and see from where exactly you are getting the traffic and which keyword or search engine get you the most converting visitors (traffic). If your earnings show a deflection, analyze your traffic logs and try to relate it to the pattern as well as the behavior of your website traffic. Use Channels for Analyzing Your Ads Performance Channels allow you to analyze your Ads performance so that you can pin point the changes that your website needs to boost your Ads payouts. There are two types of channels available:

URL Channel

You can use the URL channel to track the performance of your URLs without modifying your Ad code. Google lets you analyze the performance of individual page or group of pages based on directory system of your website. You can begin tracking the performance of your pages simply by entering a full or partial URL in your Google Channel Settings.

Enter a top-level domain name to track all of the pages on that domain. For example,, or you can enter a partial URL to track all of the pages below a certain directory. For example, Entering a full URL will track the performance of that particular page. For example,

Custom Channel

Custom channels can help you monitor the performance of different Ad formats presented in your web pages. By pasting channel-specific ad code into your pages, you can track CTR, Impressions, and the number of clicks each individual ad format is generating. You can compare its performance with other web pages. Google monitors the channels or Ad blocks performance separately when you paste the custom channel enabled code in any html.

You can use the custom channels by creating custom channel name, and then by adding the channel specific code to your web pages. Give a detailed name for your custom channel so that you can easily identify it later in your reports (follow the pattern Page+ Location+ Ad Format+ Color Palette for example: HomeRightSkyscraBlue&white). It is good to analyze every Ad units in your web pages through custom channel. To Conclude High paying Ads from Google is no longer a fantasy! What it requires is : Keyword rich quality content, High paying keywords, remarkable presentation of articles, tools like Google's Section targeting, Ad Filters, traffic monitoring, and Ads performance Analyzing (through Channels) to bring out effective modifications in your Ad layouts.

So, now it all depends on how you implement these guidelines. Go-ahead and get the best out of your AdSense Campaign!

Thursday, July 19, 2007

Common Mistakes in Adsense

am quite sure that you must hear, from time to time, some people have their adsense account being banned. Of course, Google would not ban your account without any reasons. There must be some reasons or mistake that a person has made, so that Google has the concrete evidence to terminate your Adsense account. In the light of that, I would like to take this chance to write a post that share the common mistakes that you may make. I hope, after reading this post, you can avoid doing such silly mistakes and avoid being banned.

1. Do not place more than 3 ad units and 1 ad link or 2 adsense search boxes on any web page. Although Google will automatically dispaly the maximum number of ads in your page , even if you have paste more than permitted, it is a wise way for you to follow the rule.
2. Never click your own adsense ads or ask friends/ relatives to click them. I think this is the golden rule that everyone knows and familiars with. This is a surefire way to close you Adsense account. Never tell your relatives or friends to click on them. Keep a check if your family or children are busy increasing your income by clicking your ads and indirectly trying to stop your income. Very often, people click their own ads simply becasue they are curious on what is behind the ads. That's why they click and open the ads. This is absolutely forbidden! If you really want to see what is behind your ads, use Google Preview tool if required.

2. You should not join those programs like piad-to-surf-, paid-to-click, or even traffic exchange programs. Google have very sophisticated detection system to detect these programs. Also, don't use some sort of deceptive tools in order to have automatic clicks on your ads. Again, Google can detect them quite efficiently.
3. Never change the Adsense code. There are enough means of adsense optimization & customizations available to change the colour, background or border to suit your needs. Do whatever you want to do outside the code, never fiddle within the ad or the search code. They know it when you do. The search code has more limitations to colour and placement, but you should adhere to the rules. The code may stop working and violates the TOS.

4. Do not run competitive contextual text ad or search services on the same site which offer Google Adsense competition in their field. Never try to create link structures resembling the adsense ads. Never use other competitive search tools on the same pages which have Adsense powered Google search. They do allow affiliate or limited-text links.

5. One Account suffices for Multiple websites. You do not need to create 5 accounts for 5 different websites. One account will do. If you live in the fear that if one account is closed down for violation of TOS, believe me they will close all accounts when they find out. You can keep track of clicks by using channels with real time statistics. They will automatically detect the new site and display relevant ads.

6. Place ads only on Content Pages. Google states very clearly that pages should not be made for the sole purpose of showing ads. Hence, you need to have content inside your page(s). Content drives relevant ads. Although you might manage some clicks from error, login, registration, "thank you" or welcome pages, parking pages or pop ups, it will get you out of the program.

7. Do not mask your ads with other elements. Alteration of colours and border is a facility to blend or contrast ads as per your site requirements. I have seen many sites where the url part is of the same colour as the background. While blending the ad with your site is a good idea, hiding relevant components of the ads is not allowed. Although nowadays Google has a tool that automatically detect the background color and chaneg the color of URL of ads, even if you have the same color for both URL of the ads and background. Also do not block the visibility of ads by overlapping tables, pop ups, images etc.
8. Do not disclose confidential information about your account like the CTR, CPM and income derived via individual ad units or any other confidential information they may reveal to you. This mistake actually is quite uncommon to most webmasters. They often display such statistics since they do not aware of this rule. On the other hand, revealing the total money you make as per recent updates to the Google TOS.

9. Label headings as "sponsored links" or "advertisements" only. Other labels are not allowed. I often see many sites label ads with other titles. For example, "Click me...", "Please make a donation by clicking ads" etc. Even if you do not paste such words above, or in close vicinity to Google Ads, you should not have these wordings. It is because these wordings, to a certain extent, provide incentives for visitors to click ads whihc is definitely against Google TOS.
10. Only single referral button per product per page - With the launch of the google adsense referral program, you are allowed to put only one referral button for adsense referral, adwords referral, and Firefox with google toolbar referral. On the other hand, you can have four links in total in each page for four different products. This means that you cannot provide links for all the referral products that Google provides. There are, in fact, 5 different products from Google.

11. Do not specify Google ads as your alternate ads. - Several services like Chitika eminimalls allow you to place alternate urls, when a targeted paying ad cannot be displayed. This involved creating an simple html page and putting the ad to be displayed instead. Even Adsense allows an alternate url feature instead of displaying public service ads. But never use Adsense ads as alternate urls.

12. Add Borders betweem Images and text ads - It was a common policy to increase CTR by placing same number of images as the number of text ads, which falsely gave the impression that the text ads represented an explanation to these images. In order to cope with that, you should insert a border when placing images and text ads in such a manner, to avoid confusing readers to falsely click ads. It is not worth to do such risk.

13. Never launch a New Page for clicked ads by default. Many Adsenser do ask from time to time whether Ads can be shown on a new page or not. The answer is NO! Adsense ads should open on the same page. You may be using a base target tag to open all links in a new window or frame by default. Correct it now as they do not want new pages opening from clicked ads.

14. Keep track of your content. So Adsense is not allowed on several non content pages. But it is also not allowed on several content pages too. Do not add it on web pages with MP3, Video, News Groups, and Image Results. Also exclude any adult content, hate-related, violent, or illegal content.
15. Do not alter the results after ad clicks or searches - Ensure you are not in any way altering the site which the user reaches to after clicking the ads. Do not frame, minimize, remove, redirect or otherwise inhibit the full and complete display of any Advertiser Page or Search Results Page after the user clicks on any Ad or Search results.
16. Do not send your ads by email. Html formatted emails look good and allow placement of these javascript ads. But it is not allowed in Google TOS. You do not want impressions registering on their logs from any email even once. Remember Google has sophisticated softwares!

17. Avoid excessive advertising and keyword stuffing - Although the definition of "excessive" is a gray area and is subject to discretion, yet Google adsense with correct placement, focused content and high traffic will get you much more income than other programs, so excessive advertising is not required. Keyword stuffing does target better focused ads, but overdoing it is not required.

18. Ensure you Language is Supported - Adsense does support a series of languages, including Chinese (simplified), Chinese (traditional), French, Russian, German, Spanish, Hungarian, Swedish, Italian and Turkish, Japanese, Danish, Korean, Dutch, Norwegian, English, Polish, Finnish, Portuguese. If your web pages language is not supported, do not use the code on such pages. If you are not sure whether the lanuage of your home country is supported or not, please ask Google or leave a comment

How do You Boost Your AdSense Income

Google Adsense Money Formula

A lot of people would like to know the success AdSense money formula. The AdSense money formula below is one fundamental formula that you should know.

AdSense Income = sum ( [Price Per Click] X [Number of Click] )

Logically speaking, if you want to make more AdSense money, you have to either increase the number of clicks or the price per click. If you do one or the other your AdSense income will only go up.

Increase the click through rate (CTR) on your AdSense ads is the most obvious strategy that will help you increase your AdSense income. There are two ways you can boost your CTR:

1. Getting more traffic for you AdSense web site,
2. Make your ads more clickable and position them at the right place.

Getting traffic takes time and efforts. It‘s a lot of hard work. There are several techniques that you can use to generate more traffic to your AdSense web site. These techniques are:

* Submit your AdSense web site to search engine and optimize your AdSense web site for search engine.
* Increase link popularity by link exchange, article marketing, directory submission and press release.
* Paid Advertising through classified advertising, banner advertising or search engine advertising.
* Participate in forums/groups related to the content of your AdSense web site.
* Add comments to other blogs.

Making your ads more clickable is another way to increase your AdSense income. It is relatively easy to do because you can adjust your AdSense ad format almost immediately. You can do the following adjustments to your AdSense ad format to improve your click through rate:

* Make them more noticeable by positioning your AdSense ads on top of your AdSense page.
* Google states that the most effective ad formats are 336×280 larger rectangle, the 300×250 inline rectangle, and the 160×600 wide skyscraper. However you should choose the best AdSense ad format that works for your AdSense web site. This requires tracking and testing.
* Create a custom AdSense palette that best suites your AdSense web site. In general, you can follow the following settings:
o Border color : no border or background color of your website
o Background color : background color of your website
o Link color : color of your links
o URL color : black
o Text color : black or color of your main content

Increase AdSense Income by Targeting the Higher-Paying Keywords

You can create unique, relevant and quality contents that target at the higher-paying keywords to increase your average price per click and hence your AdSense income. You should find out which keyword variations for a topic pay more. Often the more specialized variations and phrases pay more than the generic terms.

You can also boost your AdSense income by reducing the occurrence of lower-paying ads. You can use AdSense competitive filter mechanism to filter out the ads that you don’t want to be shown on your AdSense web site. It is suggested by others that showing fewer ads on a page will result in higher-paying ads displayed on your AdSense web site. A lot of publishers report that their AdSense income increase if they remove ads completely from pages with few or no clicks. Again you have to test whether this strategy works in favor of you or not.

As you can see, it involves a lot of hard work if you want to make extra Google AdSense money. You need to put in your time and effort to make it happen.

Google AdSense Tips, Tricks, Secrets

A List of Google AdSense Tips, Tricks, and Secrets

The list of Google AdSense Tips and tricks shown below give you some ideas on how you can optimize your AdSense site and boost your AdSense income.

AdSense Tip #1 - Choose A Right Topic

The first AdSense secret to a successful AdSense business is choosing the right topic for your site.

You can decide a topic or theme for your AdSense site using this approach or you can start your AdSense site with a topic that you have passion for. Among the few things that you have passion for, you should start with the most popular topic and create contents targeting on the popular keywords.

AdSense Tip #2 - Choose the Right Domain

Getting a right domain name for your AdSense business is the second AdSense secret. A right domain name may give your site better ranking in SERP. You can include keywords in your domain. For example, if you are running an online business directory, it is a good idea to include ‘directory’ as part of your domain name. Thus, your domain name will be called online-directory or businessdirectory.

The most important AdSense secret is keyword research. With a list of keywords or key phrases, you would be able to understand what Internet users are looking for when they do a search on your topic and what keywords they use for the search. With this list, you would be able to know which keywords are the most popular and the most competitive. You will have a clearer picture of your target market with the help of this list. Learn more about how to research your AdSense keywords here.

Once you’ve decided a list of keywords to start with, you should focus on them as you build the contents. You should use targeted keywords frequently but naturally.

AdSense Tip #4 - Quality and Unique Content

Most people use search engine to look for information that may solve their problems. Your AdSense site provides them with the possible solution to their problems. Quality and unique content are the AdSense Secret that makes your visitors coming back for more.

Search engines are trying to provide quality and yet relevant information to Internet users for their searches. Search engine spiders crawl the Internet looking for quality content. Keywords in your content helps the search engine spiders to determine how relevant your content is to these searches. The keyword rich content should rank higher in search engine result page.

Creating quality and unique content for you site is not as hard as you think.

AdSense Tip #5 - The Placement of Your AdSense Ads

This AdSense Secret will reward you with high click through rate - right placement of your AdSense Ads. So, where should you place Google AdSense ads on your content pages?

The colors fade from dark orange (strongest performance) to light yellow (weakest performance).

Every AdSense site is different. You should understand the behavior of your visitors using Google channel or . You should change your placement when it doesn't work for you

External Optimization Tricks

External Optimization deals with the points you should remember while promoting your website over web, the external world. This part of optimization not only influences the ranking, but also influences the relevancy of ads. This part of optimization takes time, and your control over it is limited sometimes.

Anchor Text

Keywords in anchor text enhance the relevance of the target page with regard to the keywords used. Every page of your website should be made relevant through optimized anchor text containing important keywords, matching the theme of the website.

Try to make link partners link to you with the anchor text you specify (but please don't force them). The inclusion of important keywords in the anchor text can make a big difference in the final ranking as well as the relevance of ads on your website. All the important search engines give due importance to the anchor text (both on your website as well as on the external websites linking to your pages).

Also, it's a good idea to keep changing your Anchor text while the link development campaigns. Varied options of title and description make search engines give your website wider coverage. Again, you can choose the keywords to be used in the anchor text according to your choice (Traffic or payouts).

It is important to understand that as your Page Rank (PR) and resultant traffic increases, Google may increase your payouts. However, if you are getting highly untargeted traffic (or fraud traffic), your payouts automatically decrease with a period of time. This is because of the phenomenon called SMART PRICING. That is why Anchor Text is so important.

Getting Back Links

The number of incoming links to your website may not have direct impact over your Adsense ads relevancy. However, the anchor text with which your link partners are linking not only gets you direct traffic, but also promotes your website to certain segments of traffic surfing on search engines.

When you target wrong keywords, it attracts wrong segments of traffic. This decreases your CTR as well as the earnings you could have had from that traffic. You can say, it affects the relevancy of your ads. When the ads that Google broadcasts are not relevant to your traffic, the results are damp.


To get the most relevant ads, it is important that the links that you are getting from other websites should have proper anchor text. Your article gets prominence on the search engine because of the relevant keyword used as anchor text. Even the links on your own pages should have relevant anchor text. This will help you get more target traffic and resultant higher revenue.

Other ways to promote your website include getting inward links from free or paid sources, and exchanging links from authority or important websites having good search engine ranking. Links placed at the top of the page get more importance, so try for that. There are many more things you can do to promote your website and earn more Adsense money.

How to Optimize Internal Web Pages for Maximum Adsense Revenue?

Internal Optimization means on-page optimization that you should take into consideration while writing your internal web pages. This is one thing you have complete control over. Besides, it has a major effect on the ads relevancy and CTR.

Meta Tags

Meta Keywords: They have low impact, BUT - they DO have impact over the ads relevancy. You are advised not to leave this part of your page as blank. Always try to make it as easy as possible for the crawlers to understand your website. Create your web page with Meta keywords. If there is NO CONTENT on your webpage, the Adsense Media bot will pick-up the Meta Tags, and show ads according to that. Search on Google for pages that top the SERPs for the keyword you have in mind. These websites will give you a good idea about what to include in Meta Tags.

Meta Description: Whatever you put in the description meta tag, it will appear as description right after the Title Text that links to your page in the SERPs (Search Engine Result Pages). This property of the description meta tag makes it quite important, as it has direct impact over the CTR of your link in the SERPs that leads to your website. It eventually decides how much traffic you will get from a search engine. Write description that attracts right kind of traffic from search engine pages.

Title Text

Search Engines give importance to the keywords that appear in the title tag of HTML Source code. Title has a good impact over relevancy of ads too. For higher payouts, choose the highest paying keyword of that category for the title text.

However, this entirely depends upon your optimization strategy. If you are more concerned about competition and getting more traffic than payouts, choose a keyword with low competition keyword (competition you can handle) with relatively higher traffic. Though, I will advise you to get more traffic first, and become authority page of that keyword. Payouts will increase with the traffic.

Tip: Title text generally appears in the SERPs as TITLE link to your page. In other words, you can say, this very line controls the CTR of your website link listed in SERPs. How you design your title is entirely your own decision.

If you are optimizing it for more traffic, you will not want your title to read as it was written for Search Engine crawlers. The title has to be concise so much so that even 10 words are considered as too many. If you are optimizing it for more payouts - Go ahead!

However, you can try to mix the high paying keywords with traffic attractor keywords too.

Give Headings

Its quite important to mark the main headline of your webpage with H1 tags and subheadings with H2 and H3 tags, and so on. This is because headings highlight and indicate the most important element of your web page - the actual content. It is important to use relevant keywords in headings and sub headings as these have good impact on rankings - especially when sorted by relevancy. This has an equally good impact on the ads appearing on your web page. Headings give prominence to the content on your web pages.

Again, you can use these headings either to optimize for traffic, fighting competition, or getting more payouts.

Embedding Keywords in the Content

Besides hosting useful and genuine content on your web pages, it’s important to include keywords at the beginning and end of an article. This helps search engines and Ad bots determine the theme of the web page. Good use of keywords help the Google Mediabot achieve higher Ad-relevancy for your website.

Some people follow a strategy of hosting less content on a web page. This helps focus ads on specific keywords and avoids dilution of ads by other keywords that you may have mentioned even once in the web content. This works when you are optimizing for Adsense, but has some traffic drawbacks too. Furthermore, Google may consider it as SPAM. Therefore, it's never advised to host 2 or 3 lines and expect good earnings. Chances are that you will be hit by smart pricing.

On the other hand, don’t make lengthy web pages as it might mislead Ad-bots to get some wrong ads, resulting in dilution of relevant ads. Sometimes, Ad bots can be very sticky to a certain keyword you used just for a reference. If you are getting irrelevant ads, changing meta tags and Title text is the first thing to start with, then move on to your content.

Internal Linking

Internal linking of web pages has traffic as well as Adsense importance. As all your link partners may not link all the pages of your website, it's the responsibility of your web pages to hyperlink your other pages, and define the crawlers what your pages are about. In the context of Adsense, suggesting related links (related articles) to the visitor will also increase the page views of your website and also the chances of the visitors clicking on the high paying ads.

A website must interlink its pages. This can be done by displaying related articles or linking to pages with proper anchor text. This helps increase the importance of most web pages. Even a simple navigation bar can achieve that purpose.

Increasing Penetration

Write articles with more heading and subheadings. This not only makes your content more readable and user friendly, but also help the Ad Bots (and Crawlers too) to properly recognize the theme of your web page. This will make them serve you the most relevant ads. This trick also gives you another chance to mention more of those keywords in your web page. Try to include as many instances where you can specify keywords to the bots. This will have impact on your CTR and EPC. It will also help you get the target traffic. Target traffic will mean more CTR of your web page and better performance.

Adsense Optimization: How to apply Top Paying Keywords?

Applying top paying keywords in your website is quite similar to Search Engine Optimization. However, there are many differences as well. I have done in-depth research on the subject. On the basis of that research, I have marked the points you need to keep in mind while optimizing your website for maximum payouts through highest paying Adsense keywords. We will discuss how to apply top paying keywords as well as traffic pulling keywords to a webpage for maximum payouts and traffic.

First of all, we must understand that Google Adsense bot (formally known as Google Mediabot) is a subset of Google's main crawler. The crawler detects the theme of the pages and makes an entry in the Google's index (a private index - not shown publicly) that records the theme of all the pages hosting Adsense script. In other words, Google Mediabot has the characteristics somewhat similar to Google's main crawler.

There are two types of optimizations that you need to follow to make a web page search engine optimized. Same is the case with Adsense Optimization.

Internal Optimization : Internal Optimization includes Meta tags, Title Text, Optimization of content, and internal linking of your website. Here we will learn how to increase relevancy of ads and how to inject keywords that will help you get high paying ads. Internal Optimization has a high impact on the relevancy of ads and CTR.

External Optimization : This includes the web pages that are giving links to you (external profile of your website), anchor text being used to link your website, and many more variables that search engines use to evaluate the authoritative importance of a web page. External Optimization helps bring relevant traffic to your website and enables you to earn more by getting more CTR (Click Thru Ratio).

How long does your webpage take to show high paying ads?

This is an important question that needs to be answered. As soon as you apply Adsense script in a webpage, it is visited by the Google Mediabot (within 2 hours to 48 hours, if the bot is free - immediately). Google Mediabot's responsibility is to evaluate the theme of the web page, and enable ads almost immediately so that your website traffic does not see FREE SERVICE ADS.

The relevancy of ads increases as Google's main crawler visits your website and updates its index. Furthermore, you may observe an increase in the earnings as the PR of your website/web page increases. This means that in case of Google Adsense, the internal factors that affect the ads of a particular page are evaluated by Google Mediabot (but Google's main crawler can overwrite them). And on the other hand, the external factors are inspected by the Google Crawler over a period of time. Having said that, there are simply many many factors (including those which you cannot control) that affect your ads. We are going to discuss the factors that you can control. Lets take control!


  1. Relevancy of ads may increase as your page is indexed by Google.
  2. EPC (Earnings Per lick) may increase as your PR increases.
  3. It entirely depends upon you how well you promote your website and get maximum earnings from your website/web pages.
  4. In case of Google, many variables are involved.

Build an Effective Adsense Site

What do you think about your adsense performance? Do you think you have a formula to success? High traffic? Content? Not really? I am going to write this post, in order to tell you more what should be included in this formula.

The trick to putting up an Adsense site that actually makes money is this: You need to have a site that displays ads with the most profitable keywords available and get traffic to your site the cheap way (or even free of charge) as possible.

So how do you know what are the most profitable keywords? You can use the Google AdWords Traffic estimator. The basic functionality is available for anyone to use, even without an AdWords account. Just enter your keywords in the text box at the top. You can leave all the other fields blank for now. Push the Continue button at the bottom of the page and you will see how much each of your keywords costs to get the #1-3 spot in Google AdWords.

How does this help you to find profitable Adsense keywords? First of all, you are splitting the price of the keyword with Google every time someone clicks on your ad. The actual percentage is not know, but most experts agree that it is about 50%. If a keyword costs $20 for the number 1 spot and someone clicks an ad on your page that uses that keyword, then you will get somewhere around $10!

You should know that high priced keywords do not mean high levels of traffic. The traffic estimator will also tell you the number of clicks per day that each keyword is getting in the number one spot. What you need are keywords that are a balance between the most money and the most clicks per day.

Another thing you need to know before building an Adsense site is which keywords to use to bring in the most traffic. You don't want to go up against ten million other sites that are all talking about the same thing that you are. What you need is a niche topic, something that people are hungry for information about. Here is a step by step process for finding a niche topic.
Download a free keyword tool from

When you get it, enter the most general keyword about your topic that you can find. It will give you a list of related keywords from the Overture search engine along with the number of times each one of those keywords was searched for in the last month.

For every keyword that the Good Keywords gives you, enter the following search into Google: allintitle:yourkeyword. Look at the number of results that Google displays for each keyword.
Divide the number of results by the number of searches and you will come up with what is commonly referred to as the R/S ratio. In economics, this is called Supply/Demand.

Look for keywords that have a high number of search, but a low R/S ratio. I wouldn't choose any keyword unless there were at least 1000 searches per month and an R/S ratio of 2.0 or less.
Take the most profitable keywords in this group and build your Adsense pages around them.
Alright, so you have the most profitable keywords that are in high demand. You now need to have some content related to each keyword in order to get Goggle to put the right kind of ads on your page. You can either write this content yourself, or you can go to one of the many free article websites on the net and grab some free articles related to your keyword. Just make sure to give the author credit for the article, it's not nice to steal.

Once you have your article, start putting your Adsense ads in the middle of the article, about once every few paragraphs or so. I have found that this is the most effective way to get people to click on your ads. You are allowed up the three sets of Adsense ads per page, so place them wisely.

That is really all there is to making a profitable Adsense site. Just find the best keywords, get some articles about them, add your Adsense to them, drive traffic to these pages, and start making money.

About the author
Alex Hudson, freelance articles writer that is currently researching on online advertising for univeristy in Ireland

6 Key Ways to Increase Search Engine Traffic

In this day and age, the search engine has become a primary means through which potential customers or clients can learn about your site. Each and every day millions of searches are being performed by people looking for goods and services on the Net. In this regard, you will want to take advantage of this reality through the generation of fast search engine traffic. There are six key ways that you can work to increase search engine traffic to your site, six key ways that you can generate fast search engine traffic to your web venue.

1. The most fundamental key is to ensure that the content on your website itself is keyword enriched so as to attract search engines (and hence potential customers or clients) that are looking for the products or services you are marketing.

2. In addition, you will want to include keyword rich articles at your website as well to appropriate draw the attention of search engines.

3. You will want to give your domain a name that includes the most fundamental keyword related to your products or services if at all possible.

4. In order to ensure the generation of fast search engine traffic to your website, you will want to make certain that you remain in compliance with search engine rules and regulations at all time. In other words, you do not want to get caught cheating.

5. When it comes to generating fast search engine traffic to your site, you might want to give serious consideration to engaging the assistance of an SEO professional.

6. Finally, when considering how to generate fast search engine traffic to your site, you will want to make sure that you do appropriately change content on your site so that search engines do not start to ignore your venue as being static.

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